How do I get likes on my Facebook Page
The question How do I get likes on my Facebook Page is one that I am asked often.
It’s important to let people know you are there! Creating a beautiful business page is one thing, but once it’s there you have to go out and get people to “like” you.
How do I get likes on my Facebook Page – Invitations
The first thing you can do is invite any people you are personal friends with on Facebook to like your page but be aware. My advice here would be, only invite the people who would actually be interested in your business posts.
There is no point getting people to like your page just for the numbers.
You need likes from people who are really going to be interested in what you do, what you post about. People who will get value from your updates and ultimately people who are likely to buy your product or service.
How do I get likes on my Facebook Page – Marketing Materials
Make sure you include your Facebook Business Page address on ALL of your marketing literature, on your
- flyers
- business cards
- pop up banners
How do I get likes on my Facebook Page – Email Signature
Include a link to your Facebook Business Page at the bottom of your email, in your signature pane.
When I click to create an email, the picture here on the right is what displays, it is preset for every email I send out.
The large logo links through to my website, the underlined text links to my personal LinkedIn Profile and the Social Media Icons below that link to my relevant Social Media platforms.
Email your contacts
Send an email and TELL people you are on Social Media and ask people to connect with you.
Other Suggestions
If you send out products, include a postcard, or business card, with your Facebook Business Page details on it.
Tweet links to your Facebook Business Page
Create and Advert on Facebook for Page Likes, but really nail down your target audience.
Post interesting posts on Facebook, posts that will encourage interaction. As people do start to like your Facebook status updates, their friends will see it, in their newsfeeds.
Facebook Like Button on your Website
Make sure you have the relevant like us on Facebook button on your website.
As people start to like your posts, click on those who have, and if they have not liked your page already, invite them to do so.
Invite people who have liked your posts to like your page
Here’s a very quick 60 second video to show you how to do this.
I do hope you find these tips useful.
If you have any questions, please ask away – I am more than happy to help where I can. Make sure you connect with me on Facebook too
Important Update – 1st March 2021
Please be aware that Facebook have annouced, some time ago now, that they are in the process of getting rids of likes on your Facebook page. These will be replaced with “follows”. If you check, you will probably find that you already have more followers than you do likes.