Live Video
Are you using Live Video or any form of video in your social media marketing yet?
For the past 2 years I’ve been trying to encourage people to use video in a social media marketing. To bring video in to their marketing strategies.
When you’re posting on social media you’ve got a whole 1.3 seconds to capture somebody’s attention. Then they move on to the next post.
Therefore it stands to reason the if you are using something that is going to catch somebody’s eye you have more chance of engagement and interaction and reach on that post.
Live Video Outperforms
Video by far outperforms all other types of post on social media particularly on Facebook LinkedIn and now Twitter.
The most effective post On Facebook is live stream video. Facebook will go out of their way to tell people that you are currently live on Facebook and encourage them to come and watch you, and then when you finished your live stream you publish it to your business page.
Basically you’re getting double whammy with a Facebook live as first of all the Live is a priority post and then the second best post being uploaded MP4 video . So from your one Live you’re getting the maximum exposure possible as after you have streamed live you can add that video to your page.
Video and Stories
The other thing you need to look at is this the use of stories. Stories are growing in popularity on both Facebook and Instagram. Stories only stay within your story for 24 hours so is there is a need for you to update it could be your story, on a regular basis think of ways that you can bring that into your marketing strategy.
When you’re posting on your story and when you’re using video you need to think mobile. In fact everything you do online now you have to think mobile first. (The video I have embedded above is portrait as I used my desktop computer, but if you are using a mobile keep it vertical).
How is somebody going to view what you are doing on their mobile device? People prefer to keep their mobile in a vertical position and therefore you need to think about vertical video. It has recently been mentioned the Instagram is going to support landscape video but people are getting more and more in to the habit of looking at their streams vertically. am often asked how long should the video be? To this there is no perfect answer. What we do know is that if you’re creating a video for advertising purposes you need to keep that video to under 15 seconds.
As for other video’s it depends what you doing. If you’re giving people a demonstration on one of your products for example, or if you’re an artist and you’re creating something in front of people, your audience will watch for as along as the video keeps their attention and interests them. But do remember we live in a World where people like to do things and complete things very quickly!
What you must consider is adding subtitles to your video. It’s been found that when people are watching video on their news feed they are watching it with sound off (incidentally when I listening to it in a story they have sound on). Make sure you familiarise yourself with the publishing tools available to you within your Facebook page, so after you publish your video you can go in and add subtitles.
Have you tried the auto subtitles yet? They may need a little editing but on the whole it pretty much gets the jest of what you are saying – and is so much better now than it was a few years ago.
Have a think about how you are going to continue to bring, or start to use, video in your marketing.
If you’re not using it you are missing out. You don’t have to create beautifully crafted professional looking videos . At the end of the day the reason people like to watch live video is that it’s raw. Live Video shows a true representation of the person behind the business.
So go on have a go. Don’t be shy! I promise you the more you try it = the more you get used to it = the more confident you will be.
Let me know how you get on! Please feel free to join my Group on Facebook