Social Media Team Valley
North East Social Media are back on the Team Valley. Yes indeed we are. Back to where it all began a long time ago. In the days when The Coffee Quarter was known as my office!
In lockdown I gave up the offices in The North Tyneside business centre and we worked from my kitchen table.
Thor and Xena became a large part of our working day.
Joining in with Zoom meetings.
Ensuring all attendees of workshops and 121 client’s knew whenever someone came to the door.
Finally it got to the point where there were just too many distractions and so the hunt for an office began. I think basically I got sick of the same 4 walls and it really was time to move on.
Valley House Team Valley
We looked all over the place. Some over priced. Some too scruffy! One office was lovely, just not quite on our doorstep. And then we came to Co*Shabang!
I’ve taken two offices – one is available at the end of the month and will be the Zoom Room.
The other office, the main office, is Paul’s domain. Well Paul and Xena’s.
Yes, due to the fact that Xena is a lockdown puppy she has had to come to work with us!
Hopefully she’ll settle down and get used to the building noises soon.
We’re hoping to have some human additions to the team soon too! Fingers crossed.
We’ll be updating our socials as we add things to our offices (ie when we finish unpacking). You’ll see the updates on Facebook and Instagram.
If you’d like to get in touch please do, either through any of the socials or here on my website.
Looking forward to a time when you are passing by and can pop in for a cuppa! I’m sure it wont be long now.